On Saturday, March 23, the winners of the PSC (Polish Society of Cinematographers) Awards were announced. The authors of the photos were awarded in three categories. The PSC Award in the Best Cinematography for a Documentary Film category was received by Kacper Czubak THEATER OF VIOLENCE. He also received an award for cinematography for this film during the Docs Against Gravity Film Festival. A Special Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award were also granted to those who made outstanding contributions to Polish cinematography .
26 March, 2024 read more
Douglas has just launched its first campaign featuring a virtual influencer! Meta Queen, known to many Tik Tok users, was created by Krzysztof Kujawski and has just been appointed ambassador of the new Mini Maxi mascara. MullenLowe Warsaw has prepared a 30-second video that connects the virtual world with the reality of the big city. Virtual influencer Meta Queen tests out the new Mini Maxi mascara, using the popular before/after format in the beauty category. The video promoting the new Douglas Collection mascara can be followed on Meta Queen’s channel on TikTok, on Douglas’ own social media and on YouTube….
14 March, 2024 read more
Kuba is a versatile director with an experience in script writing and a keen eye for fresh and relevant cinematic solutions. He has a strong sense of aesthetics, curious nature, adventurous spirit and up to date attitude. He feels great taking up ambitious artistic projects and also has a lot of experience working on global campaigns for international clients. He has great record of merging the needs of a client with strong story-telling and compelling imagery. This unique combination allowed him to successfully realize project for a variety of clients such as: Ferrero/Kinder, ING Bank Śląski, Dacia, Dermika, National Nederlanden,…
8 March, 2024 read more
On the first of March, a moving documentary entitled ‘ Theatre of Violence’ is being released in the UK. “Theatre of Violence’, with cinematography by Kacper Czubak. The war crimes film, directed by Lukasz Konopa and Emil Langballe poses the fundamental question of guilt and punishment and how how a modern society should react to the traumas of the past. As part of first English publications, an article appeared in the UK’s The Guardian, which did not sparing no words of admiration for the work of the Polish and Danish filmmakers. The Polish premiere took place at the Millennium Docs…
1 March, 2024 read more
Rok 2024 otwieramy z przytupem, do grona naszych twórców dołączył Tomasz Woźniczka! W 2023 roku na ekrany polskich kin wszedł film “Ukryta Sieć” ze zdjęciami Tomasza Woźniczki, w reżyserii Piotra Adamskiego. Thriller z Magdaleną Koleśnik i Andrzejem Sewerynem można zobaczyć na platformie Prime Video. W tym roku na dużych ekranach pojawi się film dokumentalny w reżyserii Anety Nowickiej, do którego autorem zdjęć jest nie kto inny jak właśnie Tomasz! Tomek został wielokrotnie wyróżniony m.in takimi nagrodami jak: Złota Kijanka na festiwalu Camerimage w 2007 roku za zdjęcia do filmu “Za horyzont” czy Nagroda za zdjęcia do filmu pt. “Twist &…
28 February, 2024 read more
She’s been a stylist, an actress, but set design is what brings her the most joy! She has worked for clients such as Puma, Rossmann, Lech, Okocim and Gellwe. She has also created set design for music videos and social campaigns. Justyna Suwała has just joined the bluebird artists! As a budding set designer, she gained experience collaborating on Xsawery Żuławski’s film, “Mowa Ptaków”. She created the set design for the internationally conquering Netflix series ‘Sexify’ and ‘Sexify 2’.
5 December, 2023 read more
Pride is bursting out of us! Tomorrow at the Pesaro Film Festival will take place premiere of “Non credo in niente” with cinematography of Kacper Zięba. The film by Italian director Alessandro Marzullo tells the story of nocturnal tale of four young adults in a decadent Rome. Romance and brutality, sweetness and suffering, music and silence as they come to realization that the path they took in life has come to a dead-end. Production // Daitona, Flickmates // Lorenzo Lazzarini, Lorenzo Giovenga.
22 June, 2023 read more
Shoot for “Stroke” starring Jacek Poniedziałek has recently started. The series will be available on a streaming platform Viaplay. The idea for the series originated from Paweł Demirski, who, along with Rafał Skalski from bluebird artists and Antonio Galdamez will be directing it. The series contains of 8 episodes following the story of Jacek, a carefree popular culinary programs host. His life will take an unexpected turn by a serious disease. The production will also tackle the subject of the LGBTQ+ community and alternative models of family relationships. It will be a story of a man who lost his good…
17 February, 2023 read more
Another creative duo joined bluebird artists. She is a director and photographer, and he is a director of photography. Dorota and Tom Miko work together as Follow the Rabbit. Dorota and Tomek as a duo directed and shot music videos for such artists as Bovska, Clock Machine, Bitamina, Linia Nocna, Stach Bukowski, Pola Chobot & Adam Baran, Tappahall. “Lew” – a music video they made for Stach Bukowski was nominated for an award in PL Music Video Awards. In commercials they worked for such brands as Castorama, BMW, HP, BNP Paribas Bank, Amazon, and more. They also created campaigns for…
24 January, 2023 read more
Bluebird Artist Management is starting 2023 by a collaboration with another talented and promising director. Mikołaj Szczęsny is a director of short films, commercials, theatrical performances and TV productions, as well as radio drama director and scriptwriter. Mikołaj has worked as an assistant on films of such directors as Krzysztof Zanussi and Dariusz Gajewski. He studied at Direction Department of Łódź Film School and before that European Studies at the University of Warsaw, photography at Warsaw School of Photography and cultural studies at the University of Łódź. He gained experience in working with words mainly in Radio Kampus and in a…
24 January, 2023 read more
New version of Jan Brzechwa’s fable “Mr Kleks Academy” adaptation, will be premiered in 2023. This movie appeals to the young audience with its modern look, but also their parents, who remember the 80s classic, will find something for themselves. The film was directed by Maciej Kawulski, DoP is Bartek Cierlica, and Gosia Moritz took part in the production as II production designer. The trailer is available here: KULTURA.ONET.PL The film finished shooting on 22nd November and since then it is at the postproduction stage. It will be distributed by Next Film, and the company responsible for the production is…
6 December, 2022 read more
A director from young generation, Łódź Film School alumni – Michał Toczek, just joined the feature film directors department in bluebird artists. Author of short films presented and awarded in Poland and abroad as well as public awareness campaigns and commercials. His short feature etude „the Dead Marriage” received many awards at Polish film festivals – such as Silver Hobby Horse at Cracow Film Festival, Grand Prix of the Short Film Competition at WAMA Festival in Olsztyn and several other prizes and honorable mentions on festivals like „Two Riversides” in Kazimierz Dolny, „The Youth and Film” in Koszalin and many…
24 November, 2022 read more